Only about 2,000 students voted during the recent Student Body Officers election, which is supposed to decide the three leaders of Student Senate.
We commend those 2,000 for completing their civic duty and recognizing that these elections really are important. The rest of you (and those 2,000) will get another chance to vote for the candidate of your choice in the upcoming runoff elections for President and Vice President.
We’ve got more detailed information about runoffs on Page 1, but basically no candidate in either of those races earned more than 50 percent of the vote. So the top two candidates are battling it out this week.
Perhaps you’re wondering why you should even care about Student Senate at all.
One reason: Student Senate is in charge of allocating approximately $680,000 worth of student fees. $600,000 goes to the annual budgets of student organizations such as Program Council. $80,000 is doled out weekly to student organizations or individuals.
Another reason: Student Senate wields considerable influence. Student senators, and particularly student body officers, work with the administration to improve SMU. Passed legislation, while not going into effect, does go directly to President Turner for consideration.
One last reason: Student Senate is in charge of modifying the Student Code of Conduct.
Don’t like one provision? Your student senators can work to eliminate it.
This is why you need to vote in the runoffs on Wednesday and Thursday at Your vote will decide who gets to run this influential organization. Why leave this important decision up to others?
In conclusion: go vote.