Dear Democrat or liberal,
It has been less than a year since my words have graced theop/ed pages of this wonderful, but easily left-slantingpublication. Unfortunately, my responsibilities at school and workhave kept me from publishing my opinion every week. However,because of Tuesday’s historic victory, I felt obligated towrite a brief piece about the outcome.
No, I am not interested in gloating about my candidate, thegreat President George W. Bush. I am one of the evangelicalChristians the media still speak so unkindly about, and for me todo so would be, dare I say … sinful. So I will concentratemy commentary on who exactly are the real losers of this election,and it is not the Kedwards campaign. But being the helpful person Iam, I want to extend an olive branch to you, my liberal friendsacross the aisle, and offer a blueprint, if you will, of what youmust do to win back the presidency:
• Define moral values. Adopt a few. Apply a few. Themajority of Americans see through the veiled attempt to appearreligious, principled and moral. Memorize a few more verses thanJames 2:20, and if you do, realize the Word of God is not to beused as political mud, but as a reference for your life. Maybe finda candidate who actually knows what the inside of a church lookslike.
• Ditch Hillary. Anyone with the last name Clinton bringsout the conservative base in droves. Liberal northeasterner Dukakiswas strike one, liberal northeastern Sen. John Kerry, was striketwo, Hillary Clinton will be strike three.
• Designate anyone as your party’s nominee who has amessage or a plan, preferably one of hope and vision for thiscountry. Saying our country is on the wrong track while givingspeeches full of doom and gloom just won’t cut it. It wouldalso be nice if your candidate had a good family life. A lot can besaid against Jimmy Carter, but at least he didn’t cheat onhis wife or divorce his first wife to “marry up.”
• Disassociate from Hollywood where coarseness andindecency are encouraged and tolerance of any and all lifestyles,language and behavior reigns. Seeing Rosie O’Donnell and herpartner on the courthouse steps emboldened otherwise silentconservatives to vote come rain or shine.
• Distance yourself from all hate language, books andfilms. You should run from the likes of Michael Moore and hisobvious lies like the plague. These people are so weird that theaverage American can’t relate to this elitist lifestyle andpompous attitude.
• Divorce yourself from the liberal media. Replaced by theInternet and its bloggers, they are no longer the main source ofinformation. Plus, they can no longer get away with sloppyreporting (see Dan Rathergate and Jason Blair).
• Stop embracing theose groups that seek to impose theirminority will on the majority of America. Stop embracing those thatforce a homosexual definition of marriage on the rest of America bysupporting unruly mayors and liberal state supreme courts. Stopsupporting groups that demand we accept abortion. Stop supportingthe U.N., who believes America should yield its power to thedefunct international body. Embrace America’s sovereignty.Embrace morality. Eleven out of 11 states did so by supporting aconstitutional change defining marriage to be between a man and awoman.
You didn’t just lose Tuesday; you have been dying a slowdeath since your party put baby boomer leadership in charge. Thesame people that lead your party today are the same people thatstarted your party down that path after the Vietnam War. Anddon’t expect these elitist leaders to change course anytimesoon. To them, the majority of America that spoke so loudly onTuesday is just a bunch of morons, an aberration that will fadeaway.
Hopefully this will help. Life will go on for you. I’m notafraid to share my secrets with you because I don’t think youwill take them to heart. Nothing will change between now and 2008.Your party will continue along the same self destructive path untilone day you wake up to see everything that used to be colored blue,is now Republican red.
The real losers here are the Democrats and the mainstream media.Tuesday night showed us the true breadth of the divide between thenation’s electoral center and the current Democratic Partyemblazoned by the likes of extreme leftism, the mainstream media,Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, George Soros and any Hollywoodcelebrity you can think of. They threw everything at Bush and stilllost. Look at the numbers: Bush won 2.51 million square miles ofthe United States as compared to Kerry’s 511,700 squaremiles. Bush won more than 50 percent of the popular vote becomingthe first president to do so since 1988. If these figuresdon’t scream major victory, I don’t know what does.
Why does the Democratic Party lose? Well, look at the exitpolling data. Voters listed morality and national security as twoof their top three concerns. Democrats support a “globaltest” for American power, a more “sensitive war onterror”, abortion rights and the biggest catalyst of all, gaymarriage. Suffice it to say that on Tuesday, the electorate toldthe United States and the rest of the world the Republican Party ismore squarely aligned with their core values and best suited tohandle these two issues. As a result, not only was President Bushre-elected, but Republicans gained seats in both the House and theSenate and solidified their grasp of the South.
Nine out of eleven states banned gay marriage with 60 percent ofthe vote. Even liberal, Kerry state, Oregon, passed it with 57percent of the vote. Contrary to what you may be saying now, thisis not a promotion of intolerance, but a referendum against thecourts that try to push their liberal values on America as a whole.What does this spell? Defeat on Tuesday and a long death in thefuture for the Democratic Party unless they change their ways.
The next big loser is the mainstream media. They have imposedtheir liberal will on an unsuspecting public for the last time. DanRathergate, Bombgate and their blowing of the exit polls aside,what was proven to us on Tuesday is that the mainstream media hasbeen lying to us all along about the make up of this country. Thestrong link between The New York Times and the Kerrycampaign was solidified last week in an article, Nov. 4, whichreported that two of Kerry’s strategists called ABC, NBC,CBS, MSNBC and CNN to ask them to hold off on claiming that Ohiohad gone for Bush. And they did.
For years, the mainstream media has done its part to make everyAmerican believe that the majority of this country is liberal,embraces homosexuality, secularism and religious intolerance. Whatwe know now is that they are the minority and good people of faithand conservative principles are the majority. Forty percent of thiscountry is conservative while only 10 percent call themselvesliberal. This election saw huge voter turnout, over 120 millionpeople, the largest share since 1968. What put Bush over the top,we now all know, is the evangelical Christians who came out indroves to vote.
Swede Hanson is a MBA student at the Cox School of Businessand host of the campus political talk radio show “Truth BeTold!” on KPNI – SMU Radio. He can be reached [email protected].