Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg made a stop in Dallas Tuesday night to promote his soon-to-be released action flick “Max Payne.” The red carpet event was held in Deep Ellum outside The Door, the music venue formerly known as the Gypsy Tea Room.
Wahlberg was on hand to talk to the press and promote the movie, which hits theaters on Oct. 17.
“Max Payne” is the story of a police officer who adopts a strict policy of revenge after his family and partner are murdered. The journey takes Payne down a dark path and pits him against pure evil.
The film is based on the best-selling video game series of the same name, but Wahlberg isn’t concerned with the track record of video game movies.
“I don’t pay attention to that thing. I don’t want to see the numbers,” said Wahlberg “I think we’ve got a great script, I think we’ve put a great team together. That’s all that matters.” The Academy Award-nominated actor said he fell in love with the script immediately.
The event was also host to the unveiling of art inspired by “Max Payne,” which can be found on display both in Deep Ellum and downtown. The artists’ work is categorized as “graffiti,” but artist Frank Campagna sees the technique as more than that.
“I really don’t see it as graffiti, I always consider myself to be an artist,” Campagna said. “Nowadays graffiti is becoming this high art.”
Campagna’s mural, which took him around eight hours to complete, can be seen on the side of The Door, located on Elm Street.
Watch for our review of “Max Payne” in coming weeks.