Today and tomorrow, SMU students will be able to see “theworld’s most advanced humanoid robot,” Honda’sASIMO.
Ed Board encourages students to take this opportunity to see therobot in action, not only because robots are cool, but also becausethis may be the future of our society.
According to its designers, ASIMO was designed to help people.”ASIMO’s height of 4 feet makes it the perfect size forhelping around the house, or to assist a person confined to a bedor wheelchair.”
ASIMOs are already being used in Japan by a few companies towelcome guests to their facilities, and in science museums asguides.
Although Honda has no plans to release ASIMOs in the States, andno other companies currently have anything comparable, theycertainly will eventually.
Imagine a robot maid or butler that never needs to be paid andnever gets sick.
Although Hollywood continues to produce movies depicting robotsas vengeful killing machines or harsh overlords, Matrix-likedomination is currently not a concern to Ed Board.
We believe robots will continue to improve the quality of humanlife from now on.
ASIMO is on campus in conjunction with Texas BEST, a competitionfor middle and high school students to “match theirremote-controlled robotic machines in a game of strategy, speed andskill.”
Now this may not be as exciting for some as last weekend’shomecoming football game, but it should still be an intensecompetition.
ASIMO is performing at 10:30 am, 1 pm, 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm todayin the Umphrey Lee Ballroom. ASIMO will also be appearing at 10:30am, 1 pm and 3 pm tomorrow.
Texas BEST competes today and tomorrow in Moody Coliseum.
Ed Board strongly encourages students to attend both of theseimpressive and entertaining events.