For those kids who felt compelled to live in Lithuania and now worry about missing the unfortunate passing of loved ones, Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service has an answer: using the web to bring the funeral to the computer screen.
Schoedinger is one of a growing number of funeral service providers to employ the power of the Internet for the benefit of distressed customers. The company offers a free live Web streaming and archived online video, with access controlled by the organizing family, for people who want to partake in the funeral but cannot afford the time or expense of the trip.
“This just allows people to share in the grief and share in the grief experience with everyone,” said company President Michael Schoedinger. He noted, however, that the company may begin charging a fee should the cost of maintaining the service rise.
The service has primarily been used for connecting military members serving abroad to funeral processions back home. Better technology and cheaper equipment has caused American funeral homes to offer the Web casting and videotaping services nationwide.
Even as more funeral homes offer the option, service providers want to emphasize that Web casting can hardly replace the closeness of family in a time of mourning.