“Absence extinguishes small passions and increases greatones, as the wind blows out a candle, and blows in a fire.”– De La Rochefoucauld
Last February, the students of SMU cast their ballots andelected the members of the 2003-2004 Student Senate.
Although it has been a summer since the entire Senate lastconvened, the flame of passion that each Senate member possesseshas only gotten stronger.
Many of us have worked over the summer taking care of Senatebusiness, but today, Sept. 2, 2003, we — the members of the90th Student Senate — will put our flames together to createa fire that will light the entire campus as we begin the year withour first legislative meeting.
Just like one spark can start a fire, one piece of legislationcan create a dramatic change on the SMU campus.
Past Student Senate legislation has helped to create manyimprovements for the SMU campus and community.
For example, Student Senate legislation played a vital role inthe renovation of the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports.
In addition, Student Senate legislation has resulted in thecreation of the Pony Express Debit Card, the establishing of a FallBreak and the formation of Reading Days.
The 2003-2004 Student Senate plans to ignite many more flames ofimprovement through legislation on the SMU campus this year.
Some of the issues the Senate plans on addressing this sessioninclude:
•Working to index scholarships for SMU students
•Expansion of the Pony Debit Card to other venues
•Working to improve the textbook buyback system
•Continuing to work on minority recruiment andretention
•SMU Rides Awareness Campaign
•Initiation of a Safety Walk Program
•Improving School Unity and Spirit
Feel free to stop by one of our Student Senate meetings thattake place every Tuesday at 3:30pm in the Hughes-Trigg forum, ore-mail me at [email protected].
If you have a burning student issue that you would like StudentSenate to address, then please do not hesitate to stop by theStudent Senate office located on the third floor of theHughes-Trigg Student Center in the Student Activities Center.
If you have a spark of interest in Student Senate, we arecurrently accepting applications for the positions of First-YearSenator, Dedman I Senator, Dedman II Senator, Engineering Senator,Meadows Senator, Senate Committee Members, Students’Association Webmaster and Students’ Association AssistantComptroller.
Applications are available in the Student Activities Centerlocated on the third floor of the Hughes-Trigg Student Center.
For any further questions regarding being a part of StudentSenate please e-mail the Student Senate Membership CommitteeChairperson, Katy Blakey, at [email protected].
This year’s Student Senate is dedicated to making adifference, making things happen, and making SMU the best that itcan be. Fire up for Student Senate, because the Student Senate isfired up to serve and represent the students of SMU!