With graduation fast approaching, seniors across campus are biting their nails hoping to land the perfect first job out of college. While some turn to traditional networking tools like conferences and job fairs, others are taking to social media in hopes of connecting with recruiters.
One of Facebook’s most popular applications, BranchOut, eases the burden of job hunting while providing college graduates with a vast network of over 3 million jobs and more than 20,000 internships.
Senior Ricky Townsend used the application for his own personal job search.
“BranchOut has made the foreboding job search seem much less intimidating as it helps facilitate the relationships that will matter down the road as well as organize your progress as a hopeful young professional,” he said.
BranchOut is free for users with a Facebook account as it merges one’s Facebook friends to build a vast professional network that transcends simple social networking.
“I have used BranchOut to post my resume online much like done on LinkedIn but with the ease of quickly ‘connecting’ with my existing friends through FaceBook. I can view the past and present jobs of my ‘connections’ as well as look up job postings by many companies/organizations,” sophomore Duncan Spielberger said. “I would recommend it for any college student who is in the early stages of creating an online career account and wants to utilize the Internet to share their resume.”
BranchOut recently partnered with CareerBuilder to enhance the companies’ networking capabilities while exposing users to the many resources CareerBuilder offers as an online networking tool.
BranchOut claims that with just 300 Facebook friends, a user can be exposed to 30,000 professional connections.
To make it even easier for college students on the run, BranchOut recently released a mobile version of their Facebook application. Now connections can be made on the go.
For more information on BranchOut, visits the company’s website or simply type “BranchOut” in Facebook’s search bar.