Student Body Vice President Lyndsey Hummert called the Senate totask in Tuesday’s meeting for their lack of activity sincethe semester started.
“I spend many hours trying to convince people that StudentSenate is a proactive organization rather than a reactiveone,” Hummert said in address to the entire body. “Whenit comes down to it, we haven’t been [proactive.]”
Since the Senate began its regular session three weeks ago,senators have only put forward two pieces of legislation —two commendations for the service of Mike Novak, executive directorof Enrollment and Financial Aid who is set to retire at the end ofthe month.
Student Body President Thomas Kincaid and Law Senator AndrewNovak presented the two very similar motions during Tuesday’smeeting.
Hummert also criticized some senators for failing to keep theirmandatory office hours.
“Senate is only as strong as our weakest link,”Hummert said. “We have great ideas. Now, it’s time toput them in motion.”
In other business, the body granted the National Pan-HellenicCouncil $1,225 to help offset registration fees for seven membersto attend their national conference. The council, the governingbody of predominantly black sororities on campus, hopes that themoney will allow it to develop leadership skills in its members andto help them expand the growth of their Greek chapters.