The Student Senate looked to increase campus awareness of thedate rape drug GHB during its first meeting of the semester onTuesday.
In the wake of a reported rape last semester in which a studentalleged that she had been drugged and raped in the Airline parkinggarage, Student Senate is teaming up with Auxiliary Services,Resident Life and Student Housing and other campus organizations toincrease awareness.
“I don’t think SMU students know how much GHB, daterape drugs are used on this campus,” First-year Senator LizHealy said.
Healy asked senators to help her put up GHB awareness posters incampus buildings after the meeting.
Student Senate is also trying to fill seats vacated by memberswho graduated last semester or whose class schedules conflict withmeetings. Open Senate seats include three for engineering, two forbusiness, two for Dedman I, one for Meadows and one for the lawschool. Applications are available in the Student Activities Centerand are due on Jan. 23. Interviews for positions will be held onJan. 28.
In other business, Senate approved $2,375 for the ChineseStudent Union for advertisements, makeup, decorations and clothesfor its 2004 Chinese New Year performance. The event, which willfeature music and a fashion show, will be held Jan. 31 at McFarlinauditorium.