With Thanksgiving coming up, there are a lot of people with different plans for the holidays. Thanksgiving is a holiday for people to eat well and to be thankful for the things in their lives. SMU students are buying bus and plane tickets many preparing to go home for the first time in the semester.
SMU first-year AJ Justice, a defensive back from Houston is anxious to get home.
According to Justice, athletes rarely receive a day off, so he’s looking forward to spending this holiday with his family. After a “gruesome week of practice,” Justice said going home is the best reward he can have.
“I bought my bus ticket with the biggest smile on my face,” Justice said.
SMU sophomore Rochelle Lauer, a pre-med student majoring in mechanical engineering, is from Arizona. Instead of going home this Thanksgiving, her parents are coming to her.
Since she moved to Dallas her freshman year, Lauer has been unable to see her parents a lot, but when she does, she said it builds great memories. This will be her parents’ second visit to Dallas and they are bringing the whole family. Her parents are also bringing her three siblings and favorite uncle.
With the break around the corner, she is gearing up to receive her family and all the love and food they’re going to bring to her family’s gathering.
“I can’t wait for them to get here. I’m counting down the days,” Lauer said.
Although there are students who can go home and see their families or have their families can to them, some students cannot do either.
SMU senior sociology major Mattie Byrd has family in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.
She visits home only three times a year, and Thanksgiving is not one of those times.
Byrd has been home only a handful of times since her time here at SMU. Although Byrd misses her family, she is going to Houston to visit a friend for the break.
While she is in Houston, she plans on connecting with her family through technology.
“It is hard not being able to be with my family during the holidays, but we often Skype during family dinners and stuff,” Byrd said.