Audiences cheered while watching the acclaimed musical “Wicked” at the Music Hall at Fair Park Friday night. The show, based on the events that occurred before Dorothy came to the land of Oz, displayed dazzling sets and majestic lighting as the story of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, charmed viewers.
Stephanie J. Block performed and sang tunes telling the tale of how Elphaba turned into the infamous Wicked Witch. Block’s voice proved strong and the notes she sang showed her immense vocal talent.
Though the character of Elphaba stands out as the heroine of “Wicked,” Kendra Kassebaum, who played Glinda, Elphaba’s somewhat friend and eventual Good Witch, stole the show. When Kassebaum flounced on stage, the audience knew they were in for a laugh. With witty physical antics and an equally superior singing voice, Kassebaum developed into the favorite of Friday’s performance.
The show held several other memorable performances. Emmy Award -winner Carol Kane, from the TV show “Taxi” and the movie “The Princess Bride,” played Madame Morrible, Elphaba and Glinda’s teacher, with a hilarious “Ozean” accent. Jenna Leigh Green, known as the infamous Libby Chessler on the TV series “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” appeared as Nessarose, Elphaba’s sister and eventual Wicked Witch of the East. David Garrison, known as Steve Rhoades on TV’s “Married with Children,” portrayed the Wizard.
Many of the “Wicked” performers came directly from the original Broadway cast, including Timothy Britten Parker (Doctor Dillamond, Elphaba’s professor), Derrick Williams (Fiyero, Elphaba’s love interest), and Kathy Deitch (Ensemble).
“Wicked” runs at the Music Hall through Oct. 23.