The White House has received SMU’s library proposal, but SMU is not going public with its plans for the Bush library.
“It’s a very fine proposal,” promises Brad Cheves, Vice President of Development and External Affairs. “But it’s too early to release the merits of the proposal until the Presidential Libraries Advisory Committee at least has a chance to review it.”
Cheves said the next step in the process can’t be determined until the SMU library selection committee, headed by President R. Gerald Turner, has heard feedback from the White House.
Its decision is consistent with its original plan, Cheves said. The committee has been working on the proposal for four years.
Two schools of the eight in the running have released their plans: Texas A&M and the University of Texas at Austin.
The George W. Bush library will be either the twelfth or the thirteenth presidential library, depending on whether or not the Nixon library becomes federally approved.