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The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

SMU Student Media Staff Positions

Newspaper Positions

Those holding editor positions must realize this is a job, not a project. You must be dedicated and willing to devote yourself to SMU Student Media. All chosen editors must attend weekly budget meetings and weekly production nights, in addition to creating a weekly budget of upcoming stories and coverage schedules. Please complete and submit the application no later than noon, Thursday, Dec. 3.

Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor

The Associate Sports Editor will report to the Sports Editor. The Sports Editor and Associate Sports Editor are responsible for:

  • Supervising and directing news and feature coverage of all varsity, club and intramural sports, both immediate and long-range, providing coverage that puts SMU sports in the context of their competition and tells readers what to expect.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising reporters to provide sports coverage.
  • Making story assignments to individual reporters based on news tips, calendar events, breaking news, trends, brainstorming, etc. and providing guidance to reporters following these assignments.
  • Reading copy submitted for publication by reporters before submitting.
  • Designing and laying out sports pages.
  • Sending live updates from games using Cover It Live, Twitter, or live streaming.

Arts and Life Editor

The Arts and Life Editor is responsible for:

  • Supervising and directing all news and feature coverage related to the broad field of Arts & Life (A&L) —  both immediate and long-range — including A&L activities that take place on- and off-campus, i.e. movie and concert reviews, lifestyle stories, food reviews, fitness tips and reports, festival coverage, etc. They should include event coverage, reviews, profiles, trend stories and other in-depth coverage.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising reporters to provide A&L coverage.
  • Making story assignments to individual reporters based on news tips, calendar events, breaking news, trends, brainstorming, etc. and providing guidance to reporters following these assignments.
  • Reading copy submitted for publication by reporters before submitting.
  • Designing and laying out Arts & Life pages.
  • Managing the Associate Food/Fitness Editor and Entertainment Editor and delegating both editors assignments.

Associate Food/Fitness Editor

  • Reports to the Art and Life Editor and keeps him/her informed of assignments in production.
  • Pitches assignments related to food/fitness and writes stories about each topic.

Associate Entertainment Editor

  • Reports to the Art and Life Editor and keeps him/her informed of assignments in production.
  • Pitches assignments related to entertainment topics and writes stories as needed.

Associate Online Editor
Works with the Online Editor to ensure fresh content on every day of the week, including weekends. The Associate Online Editor is responsible for:

  • Coordinating with news, sports, arts and life, opinion and photo editors and company web personnel in production to develop and implement content on that supplements and enhances news-editorial content with sidebars, graphics, slide-shows, full-text, audio, video, blogs and the like.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising other editorial personnel to help implement the same.
  • Keeping in contact with all editors in regards to their stories and contacting them when questions arise.
  • Double-checking all copy, photo sizes and other content in each story to publish the most complete and accurate stories online.

Opinion Editor
The Opinion Editor is responsible for:

  • Supervising and directing all opinion coverage related to the SMU campus, Dallas community and larger nation and world that appeal to SMU Campus Weekly/ readership.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising reporters to provide opinion pieces.
  • Making story assignments to individual reporters based on news tips, calendar events, breaking news, trends, brainstorming, etc. and providing guidance to reporters following these assignments.
  • Providing opinion-based content several times each week.
  • Reading copy submitted for publication by reporters before submitting.
  • Designing and laying out opinion pages.

Photo Editor
Associate Photo Editor

The Associate Photo Editor will report to the Photo Editor. The Photo Editor and Associate Photo Editor are responsible for:

  • Supervising and directing photo coverage in supports of the news, sports, A&L and opinion sections.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising a corps of photographers to cover all events on and off campus.
  • Making photo assignments to individual photographers based on requests and time of assignment, and keeping in contact with these photographers before and after their coverage.
  • Preparing photos for publication for the print and web editions.

Chief Copy Editor
Copy Editors

**Copy editors will be required to complete a short (15-20-minute) timed copy-editing test prior to interviewing for positions**

The Copy Editors will report to the Chief Copy Editor. The Copy Editors are responsible for:

  • Editing stories for accuracy, balance and AP Style, consulting with section editors and the managing editor when necessary.
  • The Chief Copy Editor will work with other copy editors to provide a clean and compelling copy.

Layout/Graphic Artist

The Layout/Graphic Artist is responsible for:

  • Developing the newspaper’s overall design in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor.
  • Designing special graphics, charts, photos, etc. to accompany articles or stories that enhance content

Note: All of the main editor positions will have weekly duties that include: (1) supervising and working a mandatory requirement of two (2) two-hour “speed team” shifts — where staffers will focus on providing instant online updates to coverage — and (2) will lay out their section’s page(s) for the SMU Campus Weekly in Adobe InDesign on Tuesdays. (Training in InDesign will be provided, if necessary).

Agency Positions

Account Executives
Work with area business owners and managers to determine the best strategies to bring their brands to students. Commission-based on sales of Student Media services and placement into our publications.

Sales Assistant
Assist sales and marketing department with client outreach, pairing potential clients with representatives, preparing Classifieds section for a weekly newspaper, and hosting events on- and off-campus. Phone skills a must. Independent, critical thinking a plus. This is a work study (open to a student eligible to receive federal work study) position for 4.5 hours per week.

Creative Director/Production Manager
Work with creative team to ensure client needs are met on time. Design ads and lay out newspaper template as needed. This is a work study (open to a student eligible to receive federal work study) position for 4.5 hours per week.

Advertising Designer
Design ads for internal and external clients. Creativity with the ability to work within an existing brand a must. We can train on the software. This is a work study (open to a student eligible to receive federal work study) position for 3 hours per week.

Marketing Manager
Conceive campaigns to bring Student Media Company publications to readers’ hands and screens. Manage contests, events and publicity for all. Work with sales and creative to manage social media calendars for internal and external clients. This is a work study (open to a student eligible to receive federal work study) position for 4.5 hours per week.