132 Daily Updates taught me…
It is necessary to set three different alarms if you plan on getting there before 6:04 a.m.
Magic peppermints are always a plus.
Yes, I know that the ready cues are “ready, roll, take,” but if I’m directing I expect you to read my mind.
Even though we are supposed to be out by 8 a.m., it’s likely we’re still going through the rundown.
And stepping up to try to work a job you’ve never tried before earns you a lot of respect among the upperclassmen.
345 Journalism classes taught me…
It is possible to end a sentence without using a dangling modifier.
How to mic a source without being awkward.
If you can’t say something in one breath, it’s too long for broadcast writing.
Financial statements are not so tricky to understand after all.
And, communication law can be interesting if taught by the right professor.
127 articles taught me…
It is OK to live in the 21st century and actually call people to set up interviews.
Even if everyone says newspapers are dying, they secretly still read them.
If the syllabus says minimum two sources, you’ll do better if you use three.
If a source doesn’t get back with you within a day, assume they won’t and look for another.
And don’t fight criticism of your work – vent to your mom, boyfriend, best friend, etc. and then embrace it and do better.
23 packages taught me…
It is crucial to white balance and check audio levels before you get back to the editing lab.
Look lives are harder than they seem – and usually take at least 13 retakes.
Without Robert Emery, you would have failed out by now.
The all nighters spent in the journalism school are where you’ll find some of your best friends. And from the first time you say, “For SMU-TV, I’m (insert your name here),” you realize Anderson Cooper and Oprah Winfrey don’t stand a chance.
So to the majority who believe that those who study journalism have wasted their time, I know that my time spent here at SMU proves otherwise.
I’m so thankful for the constant support, inspiration, mentoring and education I’ve received.
For SMU-TV, I’m Stephanie Brown. World, I’m coming for you.