“The show is going to be Brown Bag on steroids,” Hannah Hess, a senior dance major, said in an interview in late February.
From smashed fruit to Chicago-style jazz, the show resembled just that.
Exit Sixteen, the senior dance concert, was held in the Bob Hope Theatre in Meadows School of the Arts on April 22. The two-hour concert began at 6 p.m.
The concert was $5, but was free for students with an SMU student ID, according to a representative working at the Meadows ticket office Friday night.
The show included nine pieces with a short intermission. The pieces were entirely choreographed by the SMU senior dancers, with the oversight of their teacher, Christopher Dolder. All senior dance majors at SMU are required to take this class as their final capstone.

The concert began with a dramatic piece called, “Creep,” and ended with a creative, fruit-smashing piece called, “The Flowers in the Front Yard are Dying.” The nine pieces consisted of contemporary, tap, pointe and jazz dance styles.
Each piece had a different story and meaning to it.
“I really enjoyed the show. It made me think in ways I have never thought before,” said SMU student Will O’Connor.
The lighting, props and costumes were all organized and chosen by the students as part of their capstone class. Each student in the senior dance class was responsible for a part of the show.
Dolder, the artistic director and faculty mentor, sat near the front entrance at a table where t-shirts for the event were being sold.
Gracie Singer, a junior dance minor who attended the show, was excited to see her friends perform in one of their final performances as seniors at SMU.
The SMU senior dance class worked the entire semester, alongside their teacher, to end the year with a successful senior dance concert.
Congratulations to the SMU Dance Class of 2016:
Adrian Aguirre
Emily Bernet
Samantha Chiesa
Joshua Coleman
Alexander Druzbanski
Hope Endrenyi
Reid Frye
Alison Glander
Hannah Hess
Ashton Leonard
Raul Machorro
Rebecca Moore
Summer Myatt
Emily Reiff
Emma Schultz
Gabriela Stilwell