It appears as if America’s political landscape is in a free-fall. For all the promise that the primary season showed last year, all those hopes have been dashed against the jagged rocks of Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s campaigns.
Sure, there are some people who are excited about each of the respective candidates. There are die-hard Democrats willing to write off Clinton’s many scandals and support her as being the most presidential and the most experienced – which may be true. And there are the Trump supporters who back his fresh, blunt style of saying and carefree actions.
But there are many Americans stuck in the middle of two bad choices. Huff Post polling has both Clinton’s and Trump’s unfavorable rating as being over 50%. The main takeaway from this being that both candidates are viewed as negative in the eyes of most people.
Right now Clinton has a lead generally in election polling and unfavorable ratings. In our current polarized and divided political climate, it is likely whoever will win will be chosen as the lesser of two evils. If either of the candidates can turn this negative dialogue around, that would be fantastic; however, it does not seem likely at this point.
There are currently three presidential debates which are being tentatively discussed, which could be critical in swinging the balance of the race. This page will follow the developments of the campaign and provide commentary as our nation progresses towards electing our next president this November.