By Emory Parsons
Despite early results showing Hillary Clinton cruising to a comfortable lead in Dallas County, local GOP supporters gathering tonight at the Westin Park Central said they’re confident Texas will turn red by the end of the night.
“This is very expected for Dallas,” said watch party attendee (name removed at source’s request) said regarding the early voting results for Dallas County that have Clinton far in the lead, adding that “Dallas County usually goes blue, but the surrounding counties will go red, so I think we can win Texas.”
The crowd consensus is that Dallas County leaning Clinton is just a drop in the bucket to the many other counties that are leaning red. Partygoers seem amped up about Trump and are ready to see him win Texas.
“It’s a great feeling to be surrounded by people with the same values as you and who are just as excited about this election,” said (name removed at source’s request).
Spirits are still high as the sky here at the Dallas GOP watch party inside the Westin.