One of Shakespeare’s popular comedies, the story follows Rosalind, portrayed by Jasonica Moore, as she disguises herself as a boy after being banished by her Uncle. The play explores themes of gender, redemption, and love.
The most important theme, according to the show’s director, being love.
“When you look at the play, every relationship… is about some aspect of what it means to be a human being and to love. In some cases, to love romantically, in some cases to love as a family member, in some cases to love as a friend,” Director Michael Connolly said.
In addition, Connolly explains that play is all about the mutual feeling of what it means, “To lose love, or to have love betrayed, or to have love denied.”
Shakespeare’s works have continually managed to entangle themselves into the current zeitgeist. Year after year, these plays have maintained their ability to convey a relevant message to audiences. In the case of “As You Like It,” this message is one of love.
“It is not a bad time, in the history of the United States, to talk about what is a common experience that flows through all our lives… love or the absence to love is at the root of every human life,” Connolly said.
“As You Like It” opens on Wednesday, Feb. 27, and runs through Sunday, March 3. You can find more information on show times here and ticket information here.