You enjoy their services every day. They clean your bathrooms. They schedule your appointments at the Health Center. They update the online library catalogs. They greet you at the cash register. They landscape the campus, teach swimming classes and handle judicial code violations. They play music and run equipment for campus productions and performances.
More than 300 staffers keep SMU running daily. For some, it’s more than a pay check.
Over the next two weeks, The Daily Campus will publish a series of profiles that will dig deeper into the lives of these people. In this first installment, four reporters will take you into the worlds of Frank Perry, Chris Milazzo, Almeta Henry and Kevin Dillard. Though you may not recognize their names, chances are you know them.
Frank Perry, who does custodial work around campus, shares his thoughts on the campus community.
Chris Milazzo, the caretaker of SMU’s online resource guide, is a part of a family legacy at SMU.
Almeta Henry, a cashier in Umphrey Lee cafeteria, is a breast cancer survivor.
Kevin Dillard, who plans and designs the campus landscape, does more than use the university’s money to plant new flowers.