Take action over convenience
To the Editor:
What really gets me heated are people who bitch about thingswithout trying to do anything about it or even bother to know whatthey’re talking about. Jessica Savage’s suggestions inThe Daily Campus seem to stem more from a one-sided view— the point of convenience — than from a knowledgeableidea of the situation.
First of all, there’s no money for recycling. Certainly,it would be nice to have a recycling bin anywhere I might want tothrow something away, but unfortunately there’s not enoughmoney allocated to recycling to pay for all those bins and forsomeone who wants to come collect them. It seems that recycling isquite an inconvenient and nasty business, and no one likes to messwith it.
The campus buildings, administratively speaking, are under twojurisdictions — RLSH and everything else. Though all theresidence halls and apartments are without an active recyclingprogram, the main campus now has single-stream recycling.
People are addressing the problem. The Environmental Committee*,a student-run, student-founded campus group, is developing aprogram for RLSH and SMU apartments. Perhaps if you are reallyinterested in fixing the problem, you should join the EnvironmentalCommittee.
Jennifer Korth
Senior Art History Major
*Environmental Committee meets Fridays 4 pm in theSAC