College can be tough sometimes. There are exams to study for, essays to write, and new people to meet. With all of these stressors, college can at times seem very overwhelming.
Fortunately, these apps are available to help students out, whether they need to call mom back at home or order some late night food
to Fondren.

Instead of spending hours hand-writing index cards, students can download Quizlet and input their information into digital study sets. Additionally, they can choose from millions of study sets that other Quizlet users have created, so if someone has made a study set for a class, other students can check out their index cards and notes.
How many times a day do students get distracted by Facebook, Instagram or Netflix? These sites are especially more tempting to use when people are procrastinating writing that term paper or studying for an accounting exam. Luckily, SelfControl is a great app for Mac computers that forces them to focus. Users can choose which websites on their computer to block and how long to block them.
A lot of students travel far away from home to study at SMU. Viber is a useful app for staying in touch with family and friends because it offers free calls, texts and video chatting with any of its 606 million users. All users have to do is be connected to Wifi or 3G.
It’s no surprise that college students are usually on a tight budget. Between books to buy, food runs and the occasional NorthPark Center visit, it’s important for students to keep track of what they’re spending. Mint lets students see all their balances and transactions in one place. It even creates a “Spending by Category” feature where students can view which categories, such as shopping or education, most of their money goes toward.
My Fitness Pal
Students can avoid the dreaded “freshman 15” by using this helpful app that tracks calorie intake and calculates the calories burned from exercise. If a student is curious how many calories a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit has, My Fitness Pal enables them to choose from a database of over 5 million foods.
Does it ever seem like the most challenging part of writing an essay is making the bibliography? From MLA to APA, the different styles of bibliographies can get confusing. Students can use EasyBib to quickly and efficiently generate citations, no matter what style.