Studies have shown that animals tend to age slowly and livelonger when they consistently skip meals, according These advantages do not necessarily applyto humans. They should think twice before skipping any meals,especially breakfast.
According to SMU Umphrey Lee location manager Todd Robison,breakfast is the most skipped meal on campus. He said that 1,860students have the option to eat breakfast and approximately 450actually come to the cafeteria to eat.
“The natural reaction is to get up right before class andget as much sleep as you can rather than eating breakfast,”Robinson said.
“After eight to 12 hours without a meal or a snack, yourbody needs to replenish its glucose, also called blood sugar, themain energy source for the brain,” said Wellness InstructorChristin L. Carter. Therefore, eating breakfast in the morningafter waking up from hours of sleep is an important way to help getthe brain and body going.
According to the food and nutrition experts at the AmericanDietetic Association, eating breakfast not only helps maintainweight control, it helps give the body energy needed for betterconcentration and strength throughout the day as well.
On the other hand, studies show those who skip breakfast oftenfeel tired, irritable or restless in the morning.
“When people do skip meals they will tend to grab whateverare quick, usually unhealthy snacks,” said Carter. Thisaction can be defined as binge eating.
ADA asserts, by eating breakfast you can actually manage yourweight better than not eating it at all because you can allowyourself to eat less calories during the day.
An independent survey of 50 students on campus indicated that 50percent of males eat breakfast.
An even greater number of females — 58 percent — donot eat breakfast. Students, according to the survey, listed theirmain reason for skipping breakfast as time constraints.Additionally, students primarily do not replace breakfast withanything.
Collin West, a senior finance major from Plano, said “If Ido not eat breakfast it is usually because there is not enoughtime, I just try to eat lunch as soon as possible.”
West added that college students develop bad eating habitsbecause there are too many things going on and students have a lotof commitments at random times during the day.
A quick possible tip for those eating on the run, pack a quicksnack or meal, and eat while walking or driving to class fortemporary satisfaction.
Here on campus students can go to SMU dietary instructor, SueDuncan to get individualized nutrition plans specific to theiroverall personal health needs.
FDA Breakfast Suggestions
• Whole grain cereal topped with fruit and a cup ofyogurt
• Whole grain waffles topped with peanut butter, fruit orricotta cheese
• Hot cereal topped with cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves
• Breakfast smoothie
• Cheese pizza and orange juice
• Lean ham on a toasted English muffin and vegetablejuice
• Grilled vegetables mixed with beans and cilantro toppedwith cheese
• Heated leftover rice with chopped apples, nuts orcinnamon and fruit juice
— For more information, visit