Halsey rocked Dallas Thursday night, and I was there.
The concert was an amazing experience. Standing less than 20 feet away from Halsey was definitely one of the best musical moments of my life.

Halsey is a great performer and I enjoyed every second of her on stage. I was so thrilled to be able to hear my favorite songs live.
But I kept getting distracted and kind of frustrated. Why? Because this was a general admission concert.
If you read my Bastille concert review, you know that I had my first concert experience as a junior in college. As a senior, Halsey was my third (I saw Imagine Dragons live over the summer.)
For those of you who don’t know, general admission just means that there are no seats. Everyone who attended just stood in front of the stage. While I’m glad I had this experience, I’m probably going to avoid general admission performances for the time being.
Halsey opened with “Gasoline.” This song is one of my favorites from her “Badlands” album and I was overjoyed to hear it live.
Except I could barely see Halsey. While I was fairly close to the stage, there was a wall of at least 70 people in front of me. I’m fairly short, so I would go up on my toes if I wanted to get a clearer view. But that was made difficult by everyone holding up their phones.

Everyone in front of me was recording the performance pretty much the entire time. For some reason, this eventuality never occurred to me. It detracted from my enjoyment of the performance. Sometimes, I could even get a better view if I watched someone’s phone rather than trying to look past them.
Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. I am so happy that I got to be in the same room as Halsey. I love the feeling of singing along with your favorite artist. Halsey is amazing live and I will probably kill for a chance to see her perform again.
And while standing in the middle of a crowd can be a little claustrophobic at times, I did get to talk to a few fellow Halsey fans. Sharing our enthusiasm over Halsey’s music made the close quarters bearable.
I just wish I was a little taller than 5’2″. Maybe I should have worn heels.
If you want to know more about Halsey and her music, take a look at my review of her debut album Badlands.