It’s that time of the year again – the grueling week of final exams. Every year it’s the same thing: you sleep until the day before the test, when you decide it’s time to study. But instead of cramming this year, try some of these tips to help improve your test-taking memory.
1. Don’t stay up all night before the test.
A lack of sleep can really damage your ability to take in information. Actually, sleeping gives your brain time to put together the information you’ve taken in throughout the day.
2. Get the right soundtrack.
Put together the best, and least distracting, playlist to listen to while you study. Doing so will keep you engaged and keep you in the right mood for the test.
3. Take breaks.
Studying all night doesn’t help, and neither does studying for long periods of time. Taking regular breaks helps you stay focused and motivated, and it also gives you incentive to keep going.
4. Flashcards, flashcards, flashcards.
While time-consuming, flashcards are also a great way to keep your information organized. It also helps you study more efficiently for classes that are more concept-driven.

5. Read out loud.
Reading out loud can help you learn both visually and audibly at the same time. This will help increase your chances of remembering the information before the exam.
6. Riddles, rhymes, and everything in between.
Making up riddles, rhymes, and acronyms about what you’re learning will help you remember it better during the test, since it’s more fun than the regular memorization techniques.
7. Walk before a test.
Take a load off and walk around before a test. Doing a few breathing exercises can help you take your mind off of the stress and keep you focused on what’s ahead.
Enjoy exam week!