Move aside, event hashtags.
Snapchat unveiled on-demand geofilters that let users create and publish designed filters for weddings, events, and even birthday parties. It is a fresh way to customize event goers’ snapchat photos and to create more personalized event memories that can be shared with friends. This feature is currently available to snapchatters in the U.S., U.K. and Canada.
Users decide where they want the filter to be active, and how long they want the filter to be available for use. The filter can stay active for an hour or up to 30 days and can cover areas ranging from 20,000 square feet to 5 million square feet, which is about the size of a few city blocks.

Users draw out the area of the event using the geofence tool. The starting price for an on-demand filter is $5. Price is dependent on the size and time period of your geofence.
Snapchat added this feature alongside its general geofilters, which are location-based graphic overlays that give designers and community members the opportunity to add an artistic touch to photos around their school, area landmarks, special locations or even their city as a whole. The main difference with this community-based feature is that it can cover larger areas, designs cannot include logos or trademarks, and the submitted designs do not receive feedback from the snapchat team.
The new feature has a design review turnaround time of one business day. This gives creators a more accessible and streamlined way to get their filters up and ready for the event start time. Snapchat also gives users the option to do a basic analytics track of how many times the custom filter is used, and how many users view a snapchat that contains the filter.
Think you want to create a filter for your next event? Get started here!