While many college students come to campus and have a wonderful experience, considerable research has suggested that the demographics as well as mental health needs of college students have changed markedly over the past 20 years. We know from 2007 National Collegiate Health Association research data that students in college have a 93% chance of feeling overwhelmed by all they have to do, 62% chance of feeling things are hopeless, 44% chance of feeling so depressed it is difficult to function, and 10% chance of seriously considering or attempting suicide.
Dr. Richard Kadison’s 2004 book, College of the Overwhelmed, states on pp. 39-40, “The colleges your children attend should demand academic excellence. You should hope that their course work is challenging. But we must all be aware of the very thin line your children walk between feeling challenged and feeling overwhelmed.”
Areas that students seem to feel particular stress include the following:
• Competition that often included perfectionism
• High involvement in extra-curricular activities
• Parental high expectations
• Separation from family
• Adjusting to the freedom of college life
• Financial difficulties and working along with being a student
• Minorities and international students’ adjustment and identity issues
• Peer pressure
• Choice of a career
Since stress is often felt as a result of being over-extended with unrealistic expectations, students need to continually evaluate their priorities and how they manage their commitments as well as their time. They need to remember they do not have to sign up for everything at once-take things sequentially! Other suggestions for managing stress include the following:
• Maintain a healthy perspective-“will this really matter in 5 years?”
• Practice relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing
• Be grateful
• Laugh!
• Turn to your support system even if it is long-distance
• Take care of your body:
o adequate sleep
o nutrition
o Exercise
o avoid alcohol and drugs
• Come to Counseling and Psychiatric Services at the Health Center for an evaluation for services
The following resources may be helpful for students dealing with stress:
• http://www.smu.edu/counseling
• http://ub-counseling.buffalo.edu/selfhelp.shtml
• http://www.uhs.uga.edu/stress/
• http://www.campusblues.com/stress.asp
• http://www.essortment.com/family/stressmanagemen_sifb.htm
• http://www.stressaffect.com/stress-management-and-college-students.html