Nell’s Ultimate Guide To Sex & Dating
I have never claimed to be an expert in the field of sex & dating. I haven’t been in every possible situation or have always known what to do and when. Whenever possible, however, I have tried my best to give advice and, if anything, entertain SMU. Below is all the advice I have gathered throughout this year about how to deal with the opposite sex. Enjoy it, and don’t forget to read my special edition – the last column for the semester with questions from the faculty and staff at SMU.
– Nell
With the “Better to have loved and lost then …” stuff behind, don’t be scared to let go of yourself. The best things in life happen when you least expect them, so just go for it.
Heart, gut feeling, rock-hard libido … Regardless of how much your friends tell you to, “Hit that stuff up,” think about what your sixth sense is telling you – “How will this work out tomorrow?” Does the fact that he only has one leg bother me? Should I be seeing four of her? Your instincts are the best …
Life’s too short not to be exciting, right? The worst feeling in life is regret, so try out what you’ve always wanted to. Ever wanted to spice up your sex life? Do it. Want to ask out that cute exchange student? Do it. Want to share your manhood at a Pimps and Hos party? Well … you might want to think about that …
I meet all too many people who needlessly dwell on the past. If you are stuck moping on that one person you lost or couldn’t have, you could be letting the love of your life walk right by you. Don’t dump your girlfriend and run to Boaz Hall quite yet. All I’m saying is that you’re young, you’re virile and your college days of eating, drinking and being merry end all too quick.
Unless you really are God (and don’t just think you’re him after a Four Horsemen shot), you can’t know all the things that come together to make up a person. You don’t know why they do what they do, so don’t be quick to label. Remember that girl you called a slut for no real reason your freshman year? Don’t wonder why some girl you barely know tells everyone about the time your three-inch wonder failed to salute.Unneccesary gossip will come back and haunt you like a bad hangover …
Even if you are not single right now, you will probably be single at one point in your life. Don’t see it as a time to mope around and go a drinkin.’ Have fun! Spend time with your friends, try some new hobbies and (brace yourself) work on your character. Make CDs, redecorate your room and go out. Don’t forget that you’ll be married for 2-50 years of your life, and most spouses don’t enjoy not knowing where you are at 4 a.m.
That’s “Seize the Day” for you non-Latin majors. Take advantage of every second you are alive. Whether you’re single or caged, don’t forget your friends and never feel like you have to do anything. If you died tomorrow, would you be satisfied with your life? Live like you’ve only got one lifetime to live. Take advantage of my Top 10 List, laugh your heart out and get up the courage to ask out someone new. What do you have to lose?