The SMU Football team stepped away from the football field Wednesday afternoon to visit the young children at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas.
SMU quarterback Matt Davis enjoyed the opportunity to get out of the classroom and into a completely new environment.
“It was great, I think I speak for the whole team when I say we had a great experience, had a great time just speaking to these kids, seeing them, trying to speak life into them, encourage them, really just seeing their smile,” Davis said.

Head Coach Chad Morris said the trip came as a little bit of a surprise to the players Tuesday morning, but he hoped it helped the players see they’re going to get some different experiences at SMU outside of football.
“We kind of surprised our guys yesterday morning, shared with them that we’re going to learn a little bit more than just football today, we’re going to learn a lot more,” Morris said.
Players and coaches spent approximately an hour and a half at the hospital doing anything from playing videogames with the kids, to drawing pictures, or simply watching them play a game of FIFA. Many players thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hoped the patients knew how much it meant to the whole team as well.
“I wish they knew how much we enjoy this, seeing them, in a way we look up to a lot of these kids too, so it’s great,” Davis said.
The event was a huge success in the eyes of coach Morris, as well, as he got to watch many of his players interact with members of the hospital and learn a little bit about what real life is like.
“Just watching our guys, watching our guys interact with the nurses, and the patients, and the parents of the patients,” Morris said, “Really just being able to see this is life and understand we truly can make a difference.”