The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Final thoughts on leaving SMU

Final thoughts on leaving SMU

I’ve only ever known SMU. My family has a love for this school, Peruna is my only mascot, my 9-year-old sister is a future Mustang and I bleed red and blue (lol literally). When I transferred in my sophomore year, I was ecstatic to form my own memories and make my own way at the best school on earth.

And it seems these years have flown by way too quickly. It’s already time for graduation, and I’m not sure what I’m feeling.

What happens when we graduate from this amazing place we have called home for the past couple of years? How do we deal with some of our best friends not being next door, our roommates, or 5 minutes away? And how in the world am I supposed to be an adult when I’m not ready to leave this bubble I’ve made my home?

Southern Methodist University has given me countless opportunities to grow as a student and human being. In what other world would a 21-year-old be trusted and put in charge of planning a concert? Or be in charge of a newspaper or news show? Or raise thousands of dollars for cancer? Or experience Selma on the 50th anniversary?Or have the time of my life doing study abroad?

Sometimes, we get wrapped up in the stress of school and projects and finals that we forget how blessed we are to not only receive an education, but receive an education where our educators believe in all of our potential. This school is something special, and I know everyone says that about their school, but SMU definitely is different.

It brings leaders and overachievers together in this setting where amazing professors change and challenge the way you think and guide you to be the best you can be. They form us into good, active citizens who are aware of issues, and literally make us into world changers. They reassure you that you are succeeding (or failing) and make sure to remind you that this is only temporary, your stress is only temporary, your time here is only temporary and nothing is permanent.

Although I am dwelling on change that is bound to happen, I am forever indebted to this place that has shaped and formed me into who I am today. The place that has blessed me with a world-class education (literally) and friends who are my family and my heart, made me a better journalist, a traveler, and a stronger, better, more aware human being.

It’s kind of crazy that this amazing place will no longer be my everyday life in just a short amount of time. My friends and I will have careers in different cities and we’ll meet up for dinner when one of us is in town, but we won’t be right down the street. We’ll be moving on to a new chapter in this book of our lives, and things will continue to change.

Sometimes, it’s good to go away from something you’ve known your whole life. But it’s hard to leave something that’s blessed you so much.

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