The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


The best of today’s world

International cooperation and technological innovations result in successful rescue of Chilean miner

Thirty-three miners, 69 days, 1,640 feet below the surface.

Despite these daunting numbers, on Wednesday, months of global cooperation led to a successful rescue of all 33 miners from the depths of a collapsed Chilean desert mine.  

Mine collapses and other fatal mining accidents have plagued modern history, leading to the deaths of innumerable workers in years past. Yet, today’s technology, coupled with an informed and involved international community, shifted this paradigm.

Because international media sources provide a constant stream of tragedies occurring around the world, it is all too easy to be pessimistic. However, Wednesday’s incredible rescue, broadcast internationally, resulted in a renewed sense of hope.

It is all too clear that technological advances are having real and immediate positive effects around the world. No longer are accidents, like mine collapses, predetermined to be catastrophic. The best allocation of resources from around the world expedited the logistical strategy for the rescue and resulted in 33 safe miners throughout the 69 day ordeal.

This success story should be a source of optimism for every citizen of the world. The global community has proven that it can effectively unite in defense of the common good..

Adriana Martinez is a political science, public policy, French and history major. She can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].

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