Six sisters of a sorority showcased their sisterhood on stage Friday evening in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center for their fellow Greeks, parents and onlookers alike.
Senior member of Sigma Lambda Gamma, Naomi Samuel, said that despite the fact that she is highly involved on campus, her sorority holds a special place in her heart. It was the last performance of the night and one of the last opportunities to participate in the semi-annual event for the seniors, many of whom shed tears at the prospect.
“Showcase really just shows off all the different MGC orgs [organizations] and gives you a glimpse into the culture and people,” Samuel said.
She said showcase gives people a chance to learn about the two sororities and two fraternities affiliated with the Multicultural Greek Council at SMU. The sororities are Kappa Delta Chi and Sigma Lambda Gamma, and the fraternities are Omega Delta Phi and Sigma Lambda Beta. The night offers each organization a chance to present on its individual policies and values. The organization then follows up with a performance to display the solidarity between its members.
“I joined this organization because I saw women who were just as in love with their dreams as I was,” said member of Kappa Delta Chi N’dea Fleming during her presentation
SMU’s Executive Director of Student Life Jennifer “JJ” Jones and Ron Atkinson, Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life, introduced the organizations, keeping the crowd informed and entertained.

The presentations throughout the night made apparent that SMU’s Multicultural Greek Council is heavily focused on upholding academic standards, emphasizing the benefits of service and fostering a sense of community.
“In life nothing matters as much as the communities you align yourself with. If you surround yourself with people who inspire you, you yourself will become an inspiration,” said Fleming.
Although members of the audience varied in race, age, gender, and background, they came together to support the accomplishments of the students involved in these organizations, hooting and hollering after each performance and cheering raucously at the news of Sigma Lambda Gamma being the chapter on campus with the second highest GPA.
Jones and Atkinson released the audience into the ballroom once the performances were done. Information booths, food, a DJ, and plenty of friendly faces awaited audience members. Guests were encouraged to seek out information if they were interested in becoming part of an organization.
“I really enjoyed their performance as well as what they’re about,” said UT Arlington student Deborah Oyeyemi, “I like seeing people of color coming together.”
For more information on the fraternities and sororities affiliated with the Multicultural Greek Council, click here.