If Donald Trump were to be the next President of the United States, I would suggest that he make a TV show about his presidency.
That, at least, could generate some revenue to pay off a fraction of the national debt. It would also give Trump his much desired publicity. That is all he seems good for these days, getting himself publicity, even if it makes him look like an idiot.
His lies about President Obama’s past have been about as thinly veiled as his apparent baldness. Twice in the past few months, he has made personal attacks on President Obama.
First, Trump claimed (like others in his class of individual) that President Obama was not, in fact, born in the U.S. and should not be the president of the United States, because he has not produced his birth certificate. As it turns out, Hawaii (where Obama was born) gives out certificates of live birth, which are slightly different from a birth certificate.
The certificate of live birth was posted on the Internet in 2008, to which there were many claims that it was a forgery. After Hawaiian officials, newspapers, schools, etc. clarified that Obama was actually born and lived in Hawaii, most of the hard right conspirators gave up their attack.
But no, thanks to Trump we all get to hear the same rehashed, bogus, blown-up, charges against Obama again. He only succeeds in making himself look like an idiot that hasn’t actually done enough research (Google it!) to discover that what he is saying is a flat-out lie. And recently Obama produced his long form birth certificate, fully assuaging any claims that he was not born in the U.S.
Furthermore, Trump claimed that President Obama was “a terrible student” in school, even though he attended Columbia University and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. He was also the elected editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Now I can understand that Donald Trump probably doesn’t have too much time to be looking at Obama’s grades from college but really, the unfounded claims really aren’t that funny anymore. It’s just one after the other idiotic comment and Trump looks less and less like a viable candidate, not that he was one to begin with, but he was at least a possibility.
In reality, Trump just makes the Republican Party look bad. When he is the possible candidate getting the most publicity from the press, something is really not right. Where are the actual prospective presidential candidates? I don’t mean the likes of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman; they’re just as bad as Trump. I mean real candidates that are going to run.
People like Mitt Romney have flown largely under the radar, never making too much of a splash, but I suppose the only people that make a “splash” are the idiots with the comb-overs.
With the recent demise of Osama bin Laden, I don’t know if there will be much for Mr. Trump to rabble-rouse about, Obama is coming off a very strong political victory right now and any of the normal empty words aren’t going to cause much of a ruckus.
The point is Donald Trump is doing nothing for himself by making false claims against Obama. If he is trying to get more publicity for himself, then he is succeeding at that. If he is at all serious about supporting a Republican presidential candidate, or even running for office himself, then he needs to seriously think about what he is saying now. Whereas substance is not Trump’s strong suit, neither is his bad mouth blathering. There isn’t much going for Mr. Trump, so cut your ties Republican Party, Trump is a dead end.
Michael Dearman is a first year majoring in the pursuit of truth and the overthrow of systems. He can be reached for comments at [email protected].