The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Response to “Stay classy, SMU!”

A message from the vice president for student affairs

Dear Daily Campus,

I am writing to let you know how much I appreciated the editorial column on Monday, Sept. 13, about school spirit.  I also attended the Texas Tech game and was appalled that many members of their student body booed the traditional singing of our alma mater at the beginning of the game (in my mind, there is something sacred about a school’s alma mater and the singing of any one school’s alma mater should be respected by all). I very much appreciate The Daily Campus encouraging SMU students to demonstrate good sportsmanship when opposing teams visit our stadium.

This week the vice chancellor of student affairs at TCU, along with TCU’s student body president, band director and spirit team coach, and other members of the TCU staff, are meeting here at SMU, at our invitation, to meet with their SMU counterparts.  The focus of our meeting is to review the SMU/TCU game plan and to discuss ways to ensure that both of our schools demonstrate respect for one another during the upcoming Iron Skillet game.  

I very much want to be able to assure our TCU colleagues that, while they are visiting SMU on Sept. 24, our students will show the Frogs (and any other visiting teams and fans) that SMU is the classy place that I know it to be.

Pony Up!

Dr. Lori S. White is the vice-president for Student Affairs. She can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].

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