The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Reflections on the Bush Institute

A new name for SMU

I feel that the Bush Institute will have a profound effect on SMU and the entire DFW area.  The attention it has already brought to the University has far exceeded my expectations, and I can only imagine the impact it will have in the future.  As one of only thirteen presidential libraries, the possibilities are endless. Everywhere I go throughout the country, and even internationally, the first thing people bring up when they find out I go to SMU, or even that I am from Dallas, is the Bush Institute.  It seems to be known all over.  No matter where the conversation was headed, it immediately turns to the Bush Institute and stays there for quite some time.  People seem to be intrigued by it and often have numerous questions.

Surprisingly, I have not heard a great deal about the groundbreaking in the news.  It has been covered, but I think it has been somewhat overshadowed by the release of President Bush’s new book.  Outside the media, the Dallas area has been a buzz with talk about the new institute.  

I personally am very excited to have the Bush Institute on campus.  I believe that it will serve as a great asset to SMU students both today and in the future.  SMU and the surrounding community will benefit not only from the resources and information that will be housed there, but also from the individuals and attention it will bring to campus.  I am sure that countless tourists will visit the institute, and many area schools will come to see the museum.  In addition to the museum’s permanent exhibits, I can only imagine some of the temporary exhibits that will make their way here.

I have already seen so many of the benefits of the institute that I cannot even begin to mention them all.  From the influential individuals visiting campus, to the greatly improved name recognition of SMU, to the learning resources that will be provided in the future—the list goes on and on.  Unfortunately, I will graduate before the institute is complete, but I know it will be a great asset to the students and am sure I will benefit even as an alumnus.  The institute has truly brought SMU to the forefront of not only the national, but international stage, and as a result SMU has become much better known around the world.

I think the number of high level invitees to the groundbreaking ceremony is both exciting and promising.  I feel that it shows the importance of what is happening here at SMU.  I believe it is only a predictor of the great things yet to come to this community as a result of the Bush Institute’s presence.  I am proud to have the Bush Institute at SMU and look forward to seeing its impact on SMU and the surrounding community.

Chad Averett is a senior finance, public policy and economics major.

He can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].

Endless opportunities

I think that having the Bush Presidential Center on campus will provide tremendous opportunities for SMU students. A presidential center attracts both national and international attention, and I am very excited to see what the future holds and to see what dignitaries and statesmen will be coming SMU’s way. This new exposure and attention for SMU will become evident to both SMU graduate and undergraduate students participating in the talks, meetings and networking events that the Bush Center will hold. These same events will also undoubtably attract individuals from the Dallas area, potentially resulting in a stronger bond between SMU and Dallas. Already by hosting such a high-profile statesman as Colombian ex-president Alvaro Uribe, the Bush Center is clearly making a statement about the caliber of its events and the importance of the problems it will attempt to solve. This is a great asset to Dallas and SMU—thank you President Bush!

Andres Ruzo is a Ph.D. candidate studying geophysics.

He can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].

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