Felix “Doc” Blanchard and Glenn Davis, former Armystar running backs, were jointly named the recipients of the 2003PricewaterhouseCoopers Doak Walker Legends Award. The award ispresented by the SMU Athletic Forum, and the recipients are chosenby the Forum’s Board of Directors.
Blanchard and Davis, who will receive their trophies at the DoakWalker Award Presentation Banquet on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004, joina prestigious list of recipients. Previous honorees include collegeand pro-football Hall of Famers and Heisman Trophy winners EarlCampbell (2002) and Tony Dorsett (2001), Rhodes Scholar, war heroand Heisman Trophy winner Pete Dawkins (2000), two-time HeismanTrophy winner Archie Griffin (1999) and pro-football Hall of FamerGale Sayers (1998).
Blanchard won the Heisman Trophy in 1945 while Davis wasrunner-up. The following year, Davis was the recipient of thecoveted award.
Blanchard, “Mr. Inside,” scored 38 touchdowns in hiscareer at West Point and gained 1,908 rushing yards in three years.He was a top punter averaging 38.8 yards per kick in 1944. To thisday, he holds the Army record for average kickoff return yards(44.3) in 1946. After graduation, Blanchard spent his entire careerwith the Army Air Force.
Davis, “Mr. Outside,” dominated opposing defenses,scoring 59 touchdowns in his career and averaging almost onetouchdown every nine plays. After his time at West Point, Davisserved in the Army in Korea and then went on to play for the LosAngeles Rams. After playing on two championship teams, Davisretired due to injury. He went on to work in public relations forthe Los Angeles Times until his retirement.
The PricewaterhouseCoopers Doak Walker Legends Award was createdto honor former running backs that excelled at the collegiatelevel, and also distinguished themselves as leaders in theircommunities.
“These two gentlemen epitomize the word‘legend.’ They were great football players, who servedour country and their communities with distinction,” Dallasoffice managing partner for PricewaterhouseCoopers Maribess Millersaid. “We are proud to honor one of the greatest backfieldsin college football history.”
-Portions of this article from DoakWalkerAward.com.