The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

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The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Positive outlook key for New Years resolutions

 Jason Biggs
Photo by John Schreiber, The Daily Campus
Jason Biggs

The ball dropped at midnight on New Year’s Eve in New York City. (AP)

A new year comes with new goals for the community, for ourselves, and for the future. The beginning of a year gives people a chance to start over and change their lives.

We wipe the slate clean, dust ourselves off and dive into what we hope will be a fresh start. As I go into a new year I have goals that seem to simply seem to resurface.

Year after year I find myself striving for the same things I did the year before with a few new things throw in for diversity. It’s a little discouraging to think that my goals are not being achieved. Am I in a stalemate? Am I kidding myself to think that I will ever achieve these things?

Well as I move into this New Year I’ve stripped myself of all my old goals and made only one: to be positive. I spend so much time dwelling on the negative side of things and worrying about them that I let the bright side be blocked out by a heavy veil of ‘what ifs’ and ‘not enoughs.’ All that’s come from that is a possibly unhealthy amount of self-doubt. No more.

This year I will try to look at the past and the future with pride in what I’ve accomplished and hope for what I can achieve. If I look back positively I will see that the goals I’ve made in the past have pushed me forward. I may not have reached my goal weight but every year I have lost weight.

I may not be the best in my field but I am getting better, slowly but surely. Taking a look around I realize that I may not be exactly where I want to be but if I keep moving forward I will get there. This year I want to challenge you to think like me (well the New Year me) and be positive about the changes you are making in the New Year.

If you find a couple months in that you have slacked in pursuing your ambitions don’t be afraid to start again. Everyday can be a new start and another chance to make yourself into the you that you want to be. Don’t allow yourself to be bogged down by the idea that you need a new year to reinvent yourself. All you need is the desire to change and a positive attitude.

Antoinette is a junior majoring in theatre

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