All three student body officer races will require runoffs. After ballots were tabulated Thursday night, none of the candidates received more than 50 percent of the total votes. While polls were open Wednesday and Thursday, a record 2,117 students voted.Katherine Tullos and Ronald Lowenfield are the top two vote getters in the race for president. The two are separated by only 44 votes.Brooks Powell and Mora Namdar did not qualify for the runoff election. Powell received 23 percent of the vote and Namdar received 15 percent.The race for vice president had the widest margins. Bethany Peters came closest to hitting 50 percent – she got nearly 45 percent in the vice presidential race. Lulu Seikaly received 31 percent of the vote. Seikaly and Peters will be in the runoff race.Rachel Simpson fell short, getting only 23 percent of the vote.The tightest race was for secretary, with the top two vote getters only seven votes apart. Jonathan Lane is in first with 681 votes, but Lamar Dowling was close behind with 674. John Jose nabbed the remaining 26 percent of the vote and did not qualify for the runoff.Voters approved the amendment to the constitution, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 for senators and the requirement that SBO candidates must have previously served in the senate.The runoff election will be held this coming Wednesday and Thursday.Campaigning for the runoff begins today.