Senior Kim Alvares (front) and senior Jonathan Jones (back) pose for pictures after winning the Mr. and Ms. SMU Body Building Championship, respectfully, last night in the Hughes-Trigg Theater. (John Schreiber)
Bikinis, Speedos and flexing muscles filled the stage in a packed Hughes-Trigg Theater on Wednesday as contestants vied for the coveted titles of Mr. and Ms. SMU.
Fans, family members, sorority sisters and fraternity brothers all cheered on their favorite candidates through all three stages of the bodybuilding competition. For both the men and the women, the contest began with a mandatory posing stage, followed by individual posing routines and concluding with competitive posing.
The contestants showcased their months and years of hard work on stage while judges tallied points for categories ranging from posing to appearance. When all the votes were tallied, the judges claimed that this was the closest competition for both the guys and the ladies in the seven-year history of the contest.
At the conclusion of the contest for each sex, the awards were given out and a winner crowned.
Kim Alverez took home the award for best poser as well as the coveted title of Ms. SMU. She was closely followed by Tina Deljavan who took second place as well as Carrie Pinkley in a close third.
For the men, Jonathan Jones took home the title of best poser as well was awarded as Mr. SMU. Jones, a bodybuilder by hobby, is a world-renowned clarinet player by trade, and even used some of his own clarinet music in his individual competition song.
Mere points separated the next three contestants from the winning title. Taking the silver second-place trophy was Kevin Lavelle, with a narrow margin over third-place Jordan Bolch and fourth-place winner Daniel Montenegro.
After the competition, some of the contestants were seen devouring McDonald’s Big Macs and Krispy Kreme doughnuts to celebrate their accomplishment as well as the end of their extreme diets.