Dear Mr. President, SMU loves you!
During the 2000 election my family and I lived in Palm Beach, Fla. and participated in the famous re-vote. Needless to say, we voted for you both times during the election. This means that my family has proudly voted for you a total of three times for president.
I came to SMU knowing that such an influential person would certainly have an impact on the learning environment I would be involved in.
Your decisions as president have shaped this country and generation for the past decade, and the value of your expertise and vision in your future policy institute is going to be a priceless asset for students. And I’m not alone in this belief; most students in my dorm either have your picture on their wall or a copy of “Decision Points” on their desk.
I know of countless students who waited six hours in line at Borders to meet you when they heard you were signing books.
All of us watch your library construction with the knowledge that in two years SMU will exclusively host the Bush Library and all of its amazing benefits that it will bring.
But we have one problem with you Mr. President; we want to see more of you.
We hear rumors of your presence on campus and wish that we were lucky enough to run into you. Forget Ke$ha or 36 Mafia, you are the real “Rock Star” around here, and you should really flaunt it.
So please Mr. President, stop by some of our classes, have a surprise book signing at Dallas Hall and maybe I’m dreaming but you could come to one of our football games next year. Kyle Padron is going to take us all the way in 2011.
Your friends at SMU
Aleksander Bologna is a first year political science major. He can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].