Dear Students,
In a time of change and transition for our nation, be assured that one thing has not altered: the Faculty Senate’s Resolution on Diversity and Inclusion, which passed unanimously on February 17, 2016. You can find the entire document on the Faculty Senate website.
Below is our unwavering position:
“Resolved, that the Faculty Senate of Southern Methodist University
(A) pledges to support, in whatever tangible ways we can, the goal of creating a truly welcoming climate for all students at SMU, and
(B) commits to working with SMU students to create a safe, diverse, and inclusive learning environment….”
On November 9, 2016, this is our stand and will continue to be.
– Dr. Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner

Moessner is the president of SMU Faculty Senate and a professor of Pastoral Care at Perkins School of Theology at SMU.