1. Which president won the majority in every state except Massachusetts in his second term?
a. Bill Clinton
b. Richard Nixon
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Calvin Coolidge
2.Which president started the tradition of the “first pitch” of the baseball season?
a.William Taft
b. Herbert Hoover
c. Woodrow Wilson
d. Teddy Roosevelt
3.Since that first pitch, every president but one has pitched at least one opening game. Who was the only president that didn’t?
a. George W. Bush
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Richard Nixon
d. Bill Clinton
4.Which president took a nude morning swim every day in the Potomac River?
a. James Madison
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. James Garfield
d. John Quincy Adams
5. Which of the following presidents was not assassinated?
a. James Garfield
b. William McKinley
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Andrew Jackson
6.Which president set the record for number of trips abroad, ending their two terms after visiting 133 countries?
a. Bill Clinton
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Richard Nixon
d. George H.W. Bush
7.Who was the only president to have a Ph.D.?
a. William McKinley
b. Woodrow Wilson
c. Teddy Roosevelt
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt
8.What is the most common religious affiliation followed by presidents?
a. Non-denominational Christian
b. Presbyterian
c. Methodist
d. Episcopalian
9.Which president is not displayed on U.S. paper currency?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Ulysses S. Grant
c. Woodrow Wilson
d. Thomas Jefferson
10.Which president’s campaign slogan was “Tippacanoe and Tyler Too?”
a. James K. Polk
b. Zackary Taylor
c. William Henry Harrison
d. Warren G. Harding
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. d
6. a 7. b 8. d 9. d 10. c