Disney’s successful franchise the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series sailed its way back into theaters this weekend with its newest release, “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.”
Based off of the popular ride from two of its theme parks, the film’s first three installments have made it one of the most successful franchises in cinematic history.
While the franchise may be herald as successful, the latest installment, at least in terms of cinematic quality, is far from it.
No one ever fathomed that a movie based off of a popular children’s ride could ever be as popular as the “Pirates” series is.
Back in 2003, when the first film was released, the movie surprised audiences worldwide with a feature that was as daring as it was captivating.
Too bad its not 2003 anymore.
It’s hard for a series to go past two or three installments while maintaining the original spark and ingenuity that the first film possessed. And, in “Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” the case is no different.
While the always enjoyable Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, is back in the movie, his longtime co-stars Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom are seemingly no where to be found.
With Sparrow’s care-free attitude towards just about everything, Bloom and Knightly’s characters have always served as balancers in the series, delivering sanity and reason when it is needed most.
Without them, Sparrow becomes like an unwatched kindergartener, doing whatever he pleases, when he pleases, with no one there to keep him in line.
The change in cast was just the first item in the film’s laundry list of problems.
Perhaps “On Stranger Tides” biggest problem comes within the story itself.
As the series grows older, it seems as if Disney is forgetting that a good film carries a good story as well. With the second and third film being ridiculed for not moving the characters along or developing the story at all, the fourth installment basically became a “look what we can do with two hours, good makeup, and a huge budget,” free-for-all.
While the film may excessively pass the two hours mark, director Gore Verbinski still manages to get the series absolutely no where.
If you are looking for a classic summer-blockbuster that delivers a little punch with a big-ticket price, then “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” is the movie for you.
With a strong fan base, the movie unsurprisingly did well at the box office. However, if Disney lets its “Pirates” series drift any longer, the franchise could easily become lost at sea.