Umphrey Lee was evacuated after students reported smelling smoke in the building early Wednesday afternoon.
Junior Cari James reported the smoke to SMU Aware around 2:15 p.m.
Two SMU PD officers arrived to the scene minutes after James’ report. The fire alarm was pulled shortly after, she said.
The consensus amongst many evacuated students outside was that the building had caught on fire. The smoke was actually caused by welding behind the building.

Smoke entered the building through intake ducts as facilities workers were welding a grate in the back of the building, SMU Facilities District Manager Phillip Davies said.
“Nothing caught on fire,” Davies emphasized.
“There was a smoky haze around the building and it smelled like burning plastic. I was concerned because all of the students noticed it and were worried,” James said.
Evacuated students on the scene described the situation as “frustrating”, “unexpected” and “chaotic.”
Students were evacuated around 2:20 p.m. and allowed back into the building around 2:50 p.m. Classes resumed as normal shortly after.