Carrying illuminated balloons, teams and individuals will walktoward Sorority Park and then return to Gerald J. Ford Stadium viaBinkley Avenue, but this is not a pre-game tradition.
On Sunday, Sept. 28, SMU will host Dallas’s 5th AnnualLight the Night Walk. Sponsored by the Leukemia & LymphomaSociety, the two-mile walk is one of their many nationwidefundraisers.
Survivors will hold white balloons, and supporters will have redones. Anyone can attend, and children may ride in strollers.
According to Tina May, Deputy Executive Director of thesociety’s North Texas chapter, “the organization fundsblood cancer research and is also one of the only voluntary healthorganizations that provides patients with financial aid.”
As board members of the North Texas chapter, Claire Roberts andJulie Harrison thought SMU would be a great place to hold the Lightthe Night Walk. In the past, the event has been held at BachmanLake, a location in North Plano, and twice at Lone Star Park, butthese venues drew only small crowds.
James Caswell, vice president of Student Affairs, said,”they first contacted me last fall or early spring. Inkeeping with our plan to support one of these kinds of events eachyear, this is the one for this fall.”
“I think we’re going to have a really good turnoutbecause of the location. I’m just excited that it will beheld on campus,” said Roberts, an SMU alumna whose oldestdaughter died of leukemia. “It’s really very meaningful… very touching, especially when you see the children whohave survived.”
Judith Banes, director of Recreational Sports, will coordinatethe event, and the Dedman family will serve as honorarychairmen.
At 5 p.m. on Sept. 28, the festivities begin at Ford Stadium.Participants will enjoy goodies from EZ’s Grill and JambaJuice, in addition music and entertainment. Dean of Dedman CollegeJasper Neel, the master of ceremonies, will announce the start ofthe walk at 7 p.m.
Participants are encouraged to ask friends and family membersfor donations. Last year, 125,000 participants at 200 locationsworldwide raised more than $15 million. For more information or toregister, visit