The Element TRUTH
Dear Editor:
“The primary mission of Perkins School of Theology, as acommunity devoted to theological study and teaching in the serviceof the church of Jesus Christ, is to prepare women and men forfaithful leadership in Christian ministry.” (PerkinsWebsite)
II Cor. 4:2
We have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways; we refuse topractice cunning or to tamper with God’s word, but by theopen statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyman’s conscience in the sight of God (RSV).
Why should the outcome of freedom of speech prevail whendeception was the course taken by the Young Conservatives of Texas?The Perkins School of Theology mission is why we think the elementof truth is the central issue. The mission is the preparation ofwomen and men for faithful leadership in Christian ministry. Canthat be accomplished without awareness of the truth? Simply statedthe answer is no.
So, how is it that we can stand by and ignore the nature ofrights and injustice on this campus because the event was clothedin deception. It is minimized by pervasive attitudes againstinjustice that seeks to limit the opposing concerns of any studentand the attitude that freedom of speech rings higher than tellingthe truth. Arguably, one might say because previous comparable”bake sale” events at other universities didn’tcause any problems shows freedom of speech as the governingconcern. Black Seminarians Association, Perkins School of Theology,embraces the importance of dialogue and protest. We also expect allparties involved to accept the responsibilities associated withbeing truthful. Hence, we stand upon the scriptural truths as theguiding covenant that under girds our interaction with oneanother.
YCT should be required to identify the media plan that they hadin place for this event. This is the other strategies that weredeveloped and their plan for diversity since they are opposed toaffirmative action. Also, as they prepare for other debates andprotests in the future, their system should reflect the benefitsAnglo-American females have received from the very plans they areprotesting. This is an issue about truth that exceeds the walls ofSMU. May the real truth be the guiding force as we reflect on thedebates of Wednesday night. Praise God!
Black Seminarians Association
Perkins School of Theology, SMU
The Black Seminarians Association will be holding an Hour ofPrayer on Thurs. 5-6 p.m. in Perkins Chapel.
YCT Response
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to Mr. Hampton’s article aboutthe Young Conservatives of Texas. First, I would like to commendhim for taking the time and having the courage to visit ourorganization before casting judgment on YCT.
However, in saying that we are not racist, I do not feel that hegave our organization a fair chance. I agree with Hampton’sbottom-line that YCT is not racist. I do not believe that anyonecan understand the true nature of our organization after only onemeeting.
Afterall, anyone could put up a façade of not beingracist for just one meeting. Especially when it is obvious that anAfrican American is visiting.
Only after dealing with our organization for an extended periodof time and truly getting to know us would one be able toaccurately draw the conclusion that he correctly drew. It wasnamely that YCT is colorblind.
To this end, I encourage Mr. Hampton to visit us more often. Infact, YCT extends an open invitation to all students to come andsee exactly what YCT really stands for. We gladly welcome all thosewho believe in limited government, more personal freedom andconservatism. This is regardless of race or gender.
In his article, Hampton also said that minorities on campusshould be offended by our bake sale. On this we agree.
The purpose of offering cookies at different prices to peoplebased on their race and gender was to illustrate how highereducation affirmative action programs blatantly use one’srace to predetermine one’s ability. This may be one’sability to pay for a cookie or one’s ability to score highenough on the SAT to get into college.
People who advocate affirmative action act as though blacks andHispanics are too stupid to get into the college of their choicewithout “special help” in the form of racialpreferences.
As a conservative, I completely disagree with this racistliberal viewpoint, and the entire point of the bake sale was toillustrate the absurdity of this belief.
Affirmative action makes a pre-judgment about someone’sinherent ability based solely on his or her race. Affirmativeaction is no different than assuming blacks and Hispanics cannotafford a cookie at the regular price because of their skin color.It offers these groups “special help” by lowering theprice they are expected to pay.
While some erroneously claim that affirmative action helps endpoverty cycles, that does not change the message that it sends.Which is because of the pigment in your skin, the administrators ofuniversities do not believe you can make it into college on yourown accord.
Administrators think that without their benevolent helpminorities will be left in the dust because they are incapable ofmaking it on their own. Conservatives do not believe this to be thecase. Conservatives think that all people are capable of takingtheir own destiny into their hands. They can rise above”victim” status in society without the crutch ofgovernment.
While our bake sale was certainly offensive, it was done so toillustrate the message sent by affirmative action programs. Amessage that is wrong on every level and is racist. This is one ofthe many reasons why conservatives oppose affirmative action.
In regard to us exercising more “compassion, foresight,and sensitivity,” that will not happen.
Our group is based on principles. We are firmly dedicated tothose principles and do not believe in sugar coating our opinionsof the world. If telling the truth is uncompassionate orinsensitive, then so be it. We will not compromise our message foranyone, so long as we have a choice in the matter.
Finally, I would like to clear up some other objections I haveheard voiced to our bake sale. Our group understands and has alwaysmaintained that from 1996 with Hopwood until this past summer whenthe Michigan case was decided, SMU has not had race-basedaffirmative action.
This means that every single minority student currently at SMUwas admitted to the university based on his or her own merit. Wenever questioned that. To assume that we implied that shows thestigma that is formed when race is used as a factor inadmissions.
In short, affirmative action divides us along racial lines andbuilds walls that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worked so very hardto tear down.
In closing, I would like to make a plea to the administrators ofSMU. By shutting down our bake sale, you have shown a commitment tonot treating races differently on the SMU campus.
YCT urges SMU to follow the example that they have made out ofour organization. If they will not allow their students todiscriminate based on race, even to show that such discriminationis wrong.
Then we certainly hope that the university would hold the samelevel of commitment to treating all races equally. Especially, whenthey decide the issue of whether or not to consider race in collegeadmissions.
Again, I want to thank Mr. Hampton for being open minded aboutour organization. I would also like to thank all the students,alumni and members of the surrounding community for their supportthrough all of this.
David Rushing
Chairman, Young Conservatives of Texas