Dean of Student Life Dee Siscoe announced the completion of theGreek Relationship Statement, a document that defines the workingconnection between the various greek chapters and the university,during the body’s regular meeting Tuesday.
The statement addresses issues ranging from risk management,community service, housing and recruitment. Talks to codify therelationship between the chapters and the body began under2001-2002 Student Body President Jodi Warmbrod, continued throughlast year’s president Dustin Odham and were finalized undercurrent president Thomas Kincaid.
“We thought it was important that we communicate to 37percent of our students the value that they bring to theuniversity,” Siscoe said as she addressed the Senate.
As of Tuesday’s meeting, the statement was signed by allchapters in the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Associationand the Multicultural Greek Council. Siscoe believes that theNational Pan-Hellenic Council’s local chapters should approvethe statement shortly.
“Each chapter had to have their nationals approve thedocument before they signed it,” she said. “But I thinkthis really articulates the importance of the relationship betweenthe national and SMU chapters.”