After nearly four decades in the military commanding millions oftroops in successful wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, four-star Gen.Tommy Franks accepted a new medal to complement his collection ofthree Purple Hearts, distinguished service medals and a Legion ofMerit: the 2003 John Goodwin Tower Center Medal of Freedom.
After serving “38 wonderful years” in the armedservice, Franks embarked on a new mission Aug. 1, 2003 —retirement.
Franks began the night jokingly reflecting on his latestendeavor.
“I got a lot more respect when I had a million menstanding behind me with guns,” Franks said.
On Sept. 11, 2001, Franks faced his biggest challenge.
It was Franks who commissioned a plan of retaliation against theTaliban in Afghanistan for President George W. Bush just eight daysafter the terrorist attacks.
“Wars are bad, but I’m proud of the success inAfghanistan,” Franks said.
At the meeting with President Bush in Crawford, Texas, Franksalso presented the president with a plan of action in Iraq toremove Saddam Hussein.
In Iraq, Franks led more than 230,000 troops to success inoverthrowing Saddam Hussein.
With two victories in two wars in just two years, Franks’military precision became evident.
“The execution of the plans by the military wasexceptional,” Franks said. “We can’t say thankyou enough to those serving.”
Franks emphasized that America has to “stay with it”when it comes to the pursuit of peace.
“We’ve won two wars, now we have to win peacetwice,” he said. “Fifty million people have somethingthey didn’t have two years ago: liberty andfreedom.”
The current situation in Iraq does not alarm Franks. “Theprize we seek is worth the price we’re paying,” hesaid.
University president R. Gerald Turner presented Franks with theMedal of Freedom.
Franks jokingly called the medal “something I will cherishfor the few remaining years of my life.”
He then went on to acknowledge the servicemen and women inattendance that served in the war in Iraq and thanked the crowd fortheir “service and support.”
Retired Army 1st Sergeant Bill De Leon who served 25 years inthe Armed Forces felt the whole presentation was “verypatriotic.”
“General Franks has always been an inspiration to me, andI would expect nothing less than military success from him,”he said
The Medal of Freedom was established in honor of former SMUalumnus and U.S. senator from Texas, John Goodwin Tower.
The Tower Center was established in 1993 after Tower’stragic death in a plane crash in 1991.
In 1997, the Tower Center began presenting the Medal of Freedomevery two years to “an individual who has furthered the causeof freedom throughout the world.”
The four-star Gen. Franks is the fourth recipient of the Medalof Freedom.
Past recipients include Secretary of State Colin Powell in 1997,former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1999, and formerpresident Bush in 2001.
In concluding the event, Franks said “[This is] a greattime for me in my life.”