Brown Bag is one of the truly great events that happen on ourcampus every semester. It is a unique program that showcases ourclassmates’ talent at a time and place that is conducive tostudents’ schedules. The program also brings an array ofstudents of all ages and disciplines together to witness art at itsfinest.
There isn’t a student in our zip code that would argueagainst Meadows being the campus breeding-place of artistic talent.While Brown Bag, for students, is very accessible and relaxed,there are few events that Meadows does to rival it.
The arts school has painters, sculptors, musicians, singers andcommunicators, yet none of these areas of study provide the sameopportunity that the dance department does. Our classmates play inorchestras, but there is no setting where you can watch a cellistplay while eating a Lunchable. Theater majors perform quite often,without the midday flare of Brown Bag. Even the choirs perform avast majority of their pieces in black.
Brown Bag is such a big hit because we can wear whatever we wantbecause we have to sit on the floor anyway. We can skip class to go… and not feel an ounce of guilt because we are somehow beingenlightened, by witnessing a dance performance. No one is sittingnext to an old couple who has tickets for the next 46 years andViagra prescriptions for the next four. No costs, lists, assignedseats, tailored suits and pearl necklaces; Brown Bag is thedivision of Meadows loosening the belt and letting it all hangout.
Ed Board thinks that the other art departments should emulatethe dance division. How great would it be to see theater majorsdoing scenes and monologues that they wrote or directed in the samelobby where we enjoy Brown Bag? Or a performance outside of GreerGarson like the ones from only a couple of years ago? An orchestraplaying outside of the lobby, in the open area at the top of theMeadows steps, would also be an ear-opening experience for thestudents.
Brown Bag is running all week. Most students will go. Some willgo several times. The performances that take place are memorableand form a program that is one of the most successful series oncampus.
It would be nice to see other divisions take up the challenge ofdoing something similar.
When you go to Brown Bag today, tomorrow or any other day thisweek, look at the crowd that lines the wall of the Bob Hope lobby.Take a moment to scan the balcony that encompasses and overlooksthe lustrous black canvas that some of the country’s mosttalented students will come along to paint with graceful motionsand expressive melodies.
This is a wonderful time on the SMU campus. Call it greed, butwe’re not afraid to ask for a little more from anotherdivision.