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The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

Management Team

Thank you for your interest in joining The Daily Campus leadership team. Please review the position descriptions in detail before applying.

Assignments Desk Editor

The Assignments Desk Editor, who is appointed by the Oversight Committee following an application and interview process each semester, serves as the central point person for all news-editorial operations/processes emanating out of the Division of Journalism and is responsible for the following:

Applicants for Assignments Desk Editor are strongly encouraged to have completed Reporting I and be enrolled in an upper-level journalism class during the semester in which they hold this position. Class rank is not a factor.

  1. Chiefly responsible for the efficient operation of the multi-platform Assignments Desk. Serves as the central point of contact for all journalism school students and faculty seeking to fulfill course requirements of publication / broadcast of content in one of the three platforms — print, online or broadcast.
  2. Coordinates coverage needs dictated by needs of managing editor, section editors, SMU-TV news directors, online editor and photo editor.
  3. Attends all budget and management team meetings and corresponds with all journalism classes and faculty through regular email bulletins regarding potential assignments.
  4. Establishes, posts and maintains set schedule of office hours in the Division of Journalism Convergence Newsroom to be available to meet personally with students and/or faculty wishing to discuss potential assignments, editorial calendars, breaking news alerts, etc.
  5. Maintains and updates a central assignments calendar and contacts list that is accessible by all management team members, staff members and journalism students and faculty.
  6. Works with the News Directors and Online Editor to establish a regular workflow for assigning and publishing timely video content.
  7. Keeps up with issues important to the SMU community and suggests areas of coverage based on communications and contacts with journalism students and faculty, soliciting additional writers for all sections and referring Journalism students to the proper section editors.
  8. Performs other duties as needed to ease the workload of the management team.

Online Editor

The Online Editor, who is appointed by the Oversight Committee following an application and interview process each semester, oversees all facets of news-editorial operations for and is responsible for the following:

  1. Plans, develops, tracks and posts unique content for beyond the content published/aired by the partner media — The Daily Campus & SMU-TV. Monitors the central assignments calendar for unique content opportunities.
  2. Maintains set schedule of office hours (different from Assignments Desk Editor) — specifically on Tuesday and Thursday mornings — in the Division of Journalism Convergence Newsroom. During these posted office hours, editor will freshen the site with new content and be available to personally with students and/or faculty wishing to discuss potential assignments, editorial calendars, breaking news alerts, etc.
  3. Assigns tasks to assistant online editor to ensure timely posting of stories, videos, blog posts and social media content, particularly on non-print-publication days.
  4. Develops, oversees and executes social media strategy for all three platforms in conjunction the Editor-in-Chief and SMU-TV News Director, delegating if necessary to the assistant online editor.
  5. Develops and manages all live “chat” or coverage events running on
  6. Solicits and ensures cross-promotion of content among the three partner media and through social media, i.e., teasers in The Daily Campus to additional content on, mentions in Daily Update to additional content in and The Daily Campus, etc.
  7. Supervises all blog editors. Supervises the Copy Desk Chief — in conjunction with the Managing Editor — to ensure online content is thoroughly copyedited prior to posting.
  8. Keeps up with issues important to the SMU community and suggests areas of coverage based on communications and contacts with journalism students and faculty.
  9. Attends all budget and management team meetings and corresponds with all journalism classes and faculty through regular email bulletins regarding potential assignments.
  10. Regularly communicates with key editors to ensure the orderly flow of the multi-platform Assignments Desk.
  11. Performs other duties as needed to ease the workload of the management team.

Managing Editor

The Managing Editor, who is appointed and reports to the Editor-in-Chief,
is responsible for:

  1. Supervises section editors and runs the newsroom on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief.
  2. Schedules and conducts the Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday budget meetings involving section editors and others to shape and monitor coverage and develop each day’s news budgets. The managing editor must be responsible for knowing what stories are being covered, the writer responsible for writing them, contact information for the writer and the deadline of the story.
  3. Determines the content and story order for the front page of The Daily Campus in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief. Lays out the front page for the print edition, as well as assists in layout of other sections as needed.
  4. Sets up the copy edit folder for each week, separates pages for use by section editors and layout personnel.
  5. The managing editor is responsible for making all final copy edits to page files after they are proofed by the section editor, chief copy editor and copy editor.
  6. Serves as second-in-command and fulfills the role of Editor-in-Chief — in terms of attending official meetings and in serving duties — in the event of absence of the Editor-in-Chief.
  7. Regularly communicates with key editors to ensure the orderly flow of the multi-platform Assignments Desk.
  8. Performs other duties as needed to ease the workload of the management team.

If you are still interested and feel you will add to our management team, please send fill out and e-mail the management application to Jay Miller at [email protected]