Student Body Secretary James Jang announced his resignation via email to members of Student Senate Tuesday afternoon.
Jang stated that he chose to resign for personal reasons and because of a busy schedule.
“There has been a lot going on, and I haven’t really been able to do my job as secretary as well as I know it should be done” Jang said in his resignation email. “I feel that it’s not fair to the student body to do this job half-heartedly when I am focused on other things right now.”
Jang said that he is still passionate about Student Senate and looks forward to what the chamber will accomplish this upcoming semester.
According to a member of Student Senate, there will be an election for a new secretary.
In Article IV of the Student Body Constitution, it states that to be elected secretary an individual must “have previously served as a member of the Student Senate, be elected only by the currently enrolled full-time and part-time students, serve from their inauguration to the annual Spring inauguration of the following year, and be elected by the majority in a general election or by the majority in a run-off election.”
Individuals interested in being Student Body Secretary must also be enrolled in a full-time degree-granting program or co-op program with minimum hours to graduate, or be a full-time or part-time student seeking a graduate, doctoral or professional degree. He or she must also have a 2.5 semester and cumulative GPA.
The secretary’s roles include maintaining all records, serve as an ex-officio voting member of Student Senate; assist all officers in overseeing the execution of all pieces of legislation passed by the Student Senate; assist officers in calendar planning of the following year; review and compile changes to the Student Code; serve as chairperson of the Student Senate Code of Conduct Revision Committee; interact with the Student Senate and university administrators in the presentation of all decisions of the Code of Conduct Revision Committee regarding proposed changes periodically throughout the year, as designated by the Senate calendar; and accept petitions of referendum.